Photos. Steve Bronstein. 

Photographer Saul Santos Diaz.

The best place on earth.

Jiuzhaigou Valley.

All of us every day wont  to see the new look and stuff of our favorite celebrities so get ready to see your favorite celebrities in a new way art which named as a  pencil drawings art. Its really a high crafted art where a painter and the artist or designers working very articulately to show us the real beauty of these celebrities. So see the exclusive images and pictures of celebrity pencil drawings here. 

Sellers of hot dogs first appeared in New York over 100 years ago, and over the years their product has remained consistently popular, taking advantage of high demand, regardless of whether it is a classic hot-mastiff or about his "modernized" version. The seller of hot dogs on the streets of New York, about 1910. Price hot dog was 3 cents, two hot dogs gave for 5 cents. Hot Dog Shack-cago, or «Chicago». Ingredients: beef, potatoes, bun, mustard, onion, cucumber, tomato , pepper and salt. Almost 100 years done but still Hot Dog is one of the highly spreading food in USA, UK and even all around the world. So see the exciting and delicious looking pictures of world renowned New York Hot Dogs. Even the world renowned celebrities and politicians loves to eat the famous New York Hot Dogs.

Celebrities of today world always wont to look different and distinctive towards the other world. So thus why sometime its take some infinity steps of getting the distinctive and unrelated diversified steps for their fashion style and trend. Especially, the most important aspect of celebrities is about there new hair cut or hairstyle which almost make their followers and the whole other world make them crazy. Some really go beyond the crafted style which make them like a unique idiot but some look more nice and some look like a damn suck. Any way its all about the race of winning the battle of how he/she looks better or distinctive thus why they take sometime unbelievable and unremarkable harsh steps for their crazy hairstyles. If we discuss in this crazy list then we never forget the style maker and trend setter Lady Gaga and Rihanna so special collection of their Crazy hairstyle is complied here. So get ready to see the exclusive images and pictures of Celebrities Crazy Hairstyles.

Fashion is all about a privilege of the elite and the aristocracy. In our time, this statement is quite debatable, but in the distant (and not) past some trendy "zamorochki" could only afford to know. Not only past but also in recent times we saw the almost ridiculous fashion trends which heavily affected on the downside of fashion trends. The proletariat, in all times and in all the countries looked roughly the same: functional and natural. Here i share the exclusive images and pictures of world worst fashion trends. 

Unbelievable masterpiece crafting of articulate architecture of water park in London. Only this could make the famous arhitektorsha pool so sleek and sexy and more overly, a place of heaven and paradise which everyone of us wont to see this exclusive water park which recently built or completed in London. Aquatics Center Hadid will be building the Olympic Games in London in 2012. The center organizes all the swimming events, plus scuba diving and water polo, placing 17500 spectators during the games. Water park includes two 50-meter pool and 25-meter pool, diving with six curves jumps. Hilly aluminum roof symbolizes the waves. 

We all waiting for Apple iPhone 5G but dont forget how great the Apple iPhone 4G for us because its not look more elegant and exciting and stylish but also more effective and efficient in term of usage and performance. Despite of all this great great qualities just dream if that Apple iPhone 4G makes more special to us if its on the sweet gorgeous hands of sexy hot girls which show their sweet beautiful fabulous beauty with Apple iPhone 4G. So get ready to see the exclusive collection of unique images and pictures of Girls with the iPhone. 

Freckles is all about small dark spots on the skin, light-and dark-yellow color (ash), mainly on the face, hands, and sometimes even on the trunk. Are due to the deposition in the skin of a special dye. They usually appear in children 5-6 years of age, and after 30 years, their number decreases in winter fade with the onset of summer dark. Freckles occur primarily in red-haired and fair-haired. Inherited. The color of freckles (melanin color in them) can vary from light tan to dark brown, depending on the impact of the sun and heat. Sunlight can not only make freckles darker, but also provoke the generation of an new melanin, resulting in the formation of new spots. Many women and girls in the spring when the first sun rays heating faced with the appearance of freckles. Some rejoice in freckles girls, but there are many girls who are very upset to their appearance. However, do not take on, of freckles is quite easy to get rid of freckles to the few people spoil. A small number of freckles (even the name is cute) give a person a certain charm, flavor, appealing originality.

Pension "Hobbit House" was built by Steve and Christine Michaels in Trout Creek, Montana USA. It is a replica house Torbinsa Bilbo, the hero of the book JRR Tolkien's "Hobbit." The creators spent a boarding house for the construction of 410000 dollars. The area is 92.9 square meters pension There really is a house with two bedrooms, a nursery, living room and kitchen - everything you need for the guests of the Shire. Living in this fabulous house is worth $ 245 per night.

Study the history of the great logos of famous brands - it fascinating, extremely entertaining, not devoid of humor and malice. Every major company from time to time have to give your logo in accordance with the time, the philosophy of the brand, as well as their own objectives. As the main visual image can trace the history of the company, as well as global marketing and design. And sometimes that tendency is fraught forward with interesting or funny stories. 

Today I will show the Holland Most Expensive Building Structure which knowned as a headquarters of ING in Amsterdam, commonly called the building "Boots" because of the characteristic shape of the structure. This is one of the most expensive buildings in the Netherlands, it was built in 2001 on the project studio Meyer en Van Schooten. Its almost a fabulous looking building which so eye catching and representing the truth of great unbelievable  masterpiece of architecture.

Again, weird black and white photographs which is more interesting, funny, romantic and sizziling and little bit crazy too because here i arrange and amalgamize the great interesting collection of Weird Black and White Photographs. Which surely joy your time when you see them all under one platform of here. So get ready to see all the exciting and weird black and white stuff of photographs. 

Airport in the Maldives is located on an artificial island in the middle of the Indian Ocean. Located on the island Hulule next door to the capital city of Maldives, Male. The largest airport in the country and the only international is different, which is located on the long, narrow island, and the runway starts and ends right at the water. The airport was opened October 19, 1960. The first runway (914 by 22 meters), was paved with steel plates. In May 1964 the government decided to replace Male coating on the asphalt. Removing the old coating was carried out in four groups of local residents who competed for the prize money in 1000 Maldivian rufy. The new runway was opened on 12 April 1966. November 11, 1981 the airport was inaugurated under the name "Male International Airport." July 26th, 2011 airport is officially called "Ibrahim Nasir International Airport" in honor of the second president of the country. The main terminal for international flights:

The American minimalist sculptor of French origin, Bernard Vienna received an invitation from the Versailles museum arrange for his monumental works from the gardens of the palace of the metal and the surrounding area in France. The following art work known as a Contemporary Sculpture Art. 

We all knows that the today world is all about the trends, style and multiple diversified creative innovations in world of fashion which we see on every day. So here i share the amazing latest and exclusive and most popular fashion trend in name of Twisted Balloon Dresses which create on the multiple crafted and aticulate balloon and the dresses look almost unbelievable and fabulous and more over eye catching. These twisted balloon dresses recently most popular in china and now also more followed by this latest exuberant and exciting trend and stuff in Europe. So let's see the exclusive pictures and images of balloon dresses fashion. 

After 6000 miles on the road, on the 9th day of the journey, the expedition "In the footsteps of Genghis Khan" reached the coveted places, shrouded in ancient history. It was here in 1206, on the banks of the river Onon commander proclaimed Temujin Khan, giving it the title of Genghis Khan. A place where under the wing of the Great Mongolian united the Mongol tribes, creating an unstoppable empire. So here i share the exuberant pictures and images of great Mongolia in the form of Bird Eye View on Great Mongolia. Exclusive Collection

Everyone knows that the students always want to sleep, they tend to doze off just a little, and elsewhere. I propose to look at the collection of funny pictures from the places where students sleep. In the library.

Keith Medlen has been manufacturing guitars almost his entire life. For many years, he creates tools for celebrities, but the most impressive instance of the wizard has created for himself - 27-string guitar. According to Keith - it's like to play simultaneously on the three instruments. As it turned out - this is not a record. In 1984, Linda and Pat Mather Medlen developed a guitar with 42 strings, called «Pikasso».

Taking 1st Place at the Imagina Awards for Best Design and Communication, the Aeon Project is a thoughtful & open-minded exploration into the merging of mobility & 3D applications. Aeon not only incorporates the navigation & general controls you’d expect from HUD, but also becomes an immersive, interactive learning experience through selectable applications, allowing the user to learn about surrounding objects with the swipe of finger, or turning the screen into a visual story about surrounding architecture. For complete customization, Aeon can be adjusted from augmented reality, to mixed reality, to virtual reality, allowing the user to easily shift from text-only information to complete virtual immersion.

Hard landing fighter

Hard landing fighter

Summer Olympics in London 2012

Funny faces of athletes

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